alongside ofの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. we found them alongside of the road .
    途中で 出会ったんだ
  2. get alongside of each other .
  3. even right now , they got evil sleeping under their roof , eatin' alongside of 'em .
    今だって 奴らは悪魔と同じ家に 寝ているし 近くで食事もしている
  4. atagoyama railway ' s arashiyama station was constructed alongside of keifuku electric railroad ' s arashiyama station on the kyoto dento main line (present-day arashiyama main line ).
    嵐山駅は京都電灯本線(現、京福電気鉄道京福電気鉄道嵐山本線)の嵐山駅 (京福電気鉄道)に併設されていた。
  5. mongolian battleships came alongside of the pier of sasuura (present komodahama , izuhara-cho , tshima city ) located at the western shore of shimojima in tsushima and 450 ships , 30 ,000 troops raided the town at around four in the afternoon .


  1. "alongside a wharf"の例文
  2. "alongside b/l"の例文
  3. "alongside bill of lading"の例文
  4. "alongside date"の例文
  5. "alongside delivery"の例文
  6. "alongside pier"の例文
  7. "alongside ship"の例文
  8. "alongside the street"の例文
  9. "alongside to alongside"の例文
  10. "alongside date"の例文
  11. "alongside delivery"の例文
  12. "alongside pier"の例文
  13. "alongside ship"の例文

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